Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Ethics with StoicDan: A Review


We recently had the pleasure of attending StoicDan’s business and ethics class at the UCF incubator. As advocates of ethical technology use, we wanted to share our experience and encourage others to participate in this enlightening opportunity. Whether you reside in Orlando or prefer to attend virtually, StoicDan’s classes offer valuable insights.

This session focused on technology and ethics, and StoicDan captivated us with his profound ideas. He emphasized that the internet, like an old encyclopedia, should be utilized for specific purposes. This approach prevents wasting time and maximizes our technological resources.

StoicDan also stressed the importance of being intentional with our technology use. By implementing purposeful strategies, we can save valuable time and avoid the need for repetitive tasks or biased data models. The class shed light on the significance of considering the broader ramifications of our actions, encouraging us to think critically about the impact of our technology and data practices.

Another key takeaway was the need for an ethics plan within businesses, particularly in technology and data utilization. StoicDan urged participants to communicate this plan effectively and consistently across the organization. Integrating ethical guidelines into business plans and steering documents helps establish a proactive approach, ensuring that potential ethical dilemmas are addressed.

Furthermore, StoicDan emphasized the importance of outwardly expressing ethical principles. Through practices such as informed consent, organizations can build trust with stakeholders by transparently communicating how collected information will be used and the changes implemented. Organizations can foster trust and ensure long-term sustainability by acknowledging potential risks and openly discussing them.

The class resonated with us on multiple levels, combining ancient wisdom from Seneca with modern-day references like Spider-Man’s iconic “With great power comes great responsibility.” StoicDan’s ability to intertwine these diverse perspectives created a dynamic and engaging learning environment that appealed to our intellectual curiosity and pop culture sensibilities.

StoicDan’s teaching style was exceptional, delivering real-world applicability and encouraging active participation. His ability to bridge the gap between theory and practice made the class an enjoyable and thought-provoking experience.

If you’re interested in exploring the fascinating intersection of technology and ethics, we wholeheartedly recommend attending StoicDan’s classes. To register for the upcoming sessions, visit StoicDan’s Orlando Stoics page on Meetup. Whether in person at the UCF Incubator or virtually, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, learn from a knowledgeable instructor, and broaden your understanding of ethical technology practices.

Thank you, StoicDan, for your insightful teachings. We genuinely appreciate the wisdom you imparted and the passion you bring to the subject matter. We look forward to continued learning and growth through your classes.